Shidduch & Yartzeit Luach in Amuka
Every day the kollel members learn from the Zohar Hakadosh and works of kabbala which are known to bring down to earth a great abundance of bracha and hatzlacha.
The Yeshiva Yeshuot in Amuka has a special Yartzeit and Shidduchem program.
On the day of your beloved ones Yartzeit, mishnayot are learned in memory of the nifter and a candel lit Lilui Nishmat his name.
A special prayer is recited for all those who are looking for a Shidduch and have signed up to our Shidduch Luach. A special prayer will be recited until you find your shidduch.
All names requesting a Shidduch and Yurtzeit requests will be posted on our electronic screen in our Yeshiva where the Kollel members study.
If you come to Amuka, visit the yeshiva and take a look inside. Look inside the holy of hollies burning with a fire of ruchnius and kedusha. Listen to the tears and cries of the tefilos and tikunim. See the tzaddikim of the kollel poring over their seforim, and you will not need any other explanations. You will understand by yourself the reason why the kollel’s supporters have such phenomenal hatzlacha – because there is no zechut in the world greater than being a partner the learning of Torah, especially Torah learned leilui nishmat Rabbi Yonatan ben Uziel.
Yeshuot in Amuka is located in a beautiful shule in the Amukah along side the kever of Tabbi Yonatan ben Uziel, with a well-stocked seforim library and all the accommodations that promote and stimulate the learning process.
Rabbi Yonason died unmarried. He had no children and raised no family. The kollel is is nachas ruach. Surely, he will be meilitz yosher for all who support the Yeshiva that bears his name!
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